Interview prep with Neura

It's the final hurdle between you and your dream course. Let Neura take the weight off your shoulders and remove all the guesswork surrounding your interview. 

We've invested thousands of dollars in creating Australia's best medicine and dentistry interview program. 

Neura students will get the most comprehensive interview training available in the entire country and benefit from the pride we take in our interview program. We've got you covered for pretty much every single university in the country for medicine and dentistry.

Our question writers and mentors have achieved place offers at many of the major medical and dental schools around the country, including:

New South Wales
🎓 University of New South Wales
🎓 Western Sydney University
🎓 Charles Sturt University
🎓 University of Newcastle
🎓 University of New England
🎓 University of Sydney

🎓 James Cook University
🎓University of Queensland
🎓 Griffith University
🎓 Bond University

Victoria & South Australia
🎓 Monash University
🎓 University of Adelaide

Think of our writers and mentors as your personal private investigators who went out to gather as much insider information about the interviews as possible. They've carefully crafted interview questions that closely mirror the questions asked by universities in the last two years to give you the best preparation for the real thing.

This year, we wanted to leave no stone unturned. We know how to guide you to knowing exactly what to do in your own interview.

Registrations are now open at this link! Get in early to avoid disappointment - our classes are capped at 4 students.